February 5, 2025
Version 2.2.1
- Notification settings have been added, allowing you to fine-tune which notifications you receive both to your device and in-app.
- We now show a badge on our app icon with a count of notifications for devices which support this.
- [Android] We now separate our notifications into different channels so that you can change these permissions at the OS level. NOTE: this will take a few days to roll-out as our backend switches to using these new channels.
- The creator of a play log can now delete the play log for everyone in it with a notification now sent.
- Added a link to our help site from the settings screen.
- The unread notification count within the app is now cleared when you click the icon (without needing to mark each as read).
- We now correct the unread notification count when viewing a notification from a push notification.
- Fixed an issue where scheduled notifications were being shown before they were sent.
- We no longer show groups you are invited to but not yet joined on your profile.
- Better handle Discord users signing up without an Avatar.
- [Android] Fixed an issue which didn't allow for scheduling of events more than 6 months in the future.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
January 23, 2025
Version 2.1.4
- Set whether the app should use the system default, light mode, or dark mode.
- Added a confirmation step before deleting a post.
- Added a confirmation step before rejecting a group join request.
- We now always show which event a planned game is in (helpful when you open an event link).
- Fixed a bug which would sometimes block creating a post.
- Fixed a bug that was recently introduced which didn't show the play duration.
- Fixed issues with listed group information in the details screen.
- Fixed the poll option textbox in dark mode and we now allow copying/pasting.
- Fixed a bug which didn't show the selected scenario when logging a play.
- We improved how we handle redirecting you to the right screen after signing in.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
January 15, 2025
Version 2.1.2
- Groups can now be set to a "Listed" visibility which sits between Public and Private. These groups are findable, but all content is hidden and new members are approved by admins.
- Added a new "Request to join" flow for groups. This allows admins to approve or reject new group members.
- Group admins can now pin posts to a featured section of groups to keep important information at the top .
- Group admins can now edit any event or games posted in a group they manage.
- Quickly tapping an item will no longer open a page twice.
- Events that were posted as a group will now show correctly in the feed.
- Fixed an issue that broke editing a copy of an expansion.
- Fixed issues with deleting play logs not properly removing them.
- Fixed an issue which would mean the unread notification icon would not go away.
- Fixed a bug causing errors when loading recent players.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
December 30, 2024
Version 2.0.1
- The distance filter and whether to show virtual events is now remembered between app sessions.
- Fixed some app crashes that could occur when loading the feed, groups, and group member lists.
- We made it easier to remove selected players when creating play logs or inviting people to events and groups.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
December 21, 2024
Version 2.0.0
- The new home screen adds a chronological feed of everything relevant to you in one place. See posts, events, planned games, and play logs all in one place!
- You can now post polls! Select games or just type out your options and get people to vote!
- You can now post photos to groups, events, or friends!
- Posts now can be sent to friends as well as in groups or events.
- Play logs can now have comment threads and be liked, great for when you post these to the group with photos!.
- We now show when new games are planned at an event or within a group in the feed.
- It's now easier to create posts and plan games straight from the home screen.
- We have added quick access to your groups right from the home screen.
- It's now very easy to create a play log right from a planned game within your feed with a single click!
- We have given play logs a visual upgrade and also show when they were posted as part of an event or group.
- New users will get an improved onboarding experience.
- Fixed a bug when importing games from BGG that were not in any lists.
- We have continued with performance improvements throughout the app which should make more screens feel more snappy.
December 11, 2024
Version 1.5.1
- You now have easy access to all your upcoming and past events right from the home screen.
- Added a filter to exclude virtual events when browsing events.
- Improved the quality of photos and images uploaded to Aftergame.
- We now wait until all images are uploaded before posting a play log.
- We have made many performance optimisations throughout the app which should combine to make a noticeable impact.
November 25, 2024
Version 1.5.0
- You can now choose whether a game or event is happening in person or virtually and add a link if the latter.
- Locations can now be tagged with whether they are a private home, business, public space, or region.
- Added an easy way to search for venues rather than manually typing in the address.
- You can now filter events by distance from a location.
- We now (finally) allow importing games into a specific list via a spreadsheet. For now, a BGG ID is required for each game.
- We have greatly improved the UX of importing.
- The collection/play toggles settings you chose are remembered when you next import.
- Adding an event to your calendar now opens your default calendar app to give you more control.
- Added the player count filter to the combined group lists.
- Improved the "Play again" UX and now allow games to be planned from a play log.
- Recent locations are now ordered much more sensibly and more is loaded when you reach the end of the list.
- Fixed an issue which allowed people to get invited to groups or events multiple times.
- Fixed issues with imports not correctly updating the lists games were in.
- Fixed issues with setting a game within an event to be group-visible.
- Fixed an issue generating monthly repeat events.
- You can now remove ticket links from an event as expected.
- We should no longer consistently ask for notification permissions on iOS.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
November 6, 2024
Version 1.4.1
- Added the ability to edit all future events at once in a repeating event series.
- Added 'Group' as a privacy setting for events, to only show the event to group members.
- When creating 'official' posted events, you can now set yourself to not going.
- Fixed a crash that could occur in rare instances when loading a group.
- Fixed up some privacy issues for publicly posted games within a private event.
- Made privacy settings more obvious when posting games within a private event.
- Is it now more obvious that you can import your collection when you have an empty profile.
- We better handle current city information (previously it did not always pick up a city).
- It stays on the same tab when performing multiple global searches.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
October 30, 2024
Version 1.4.0
- Groups have had a massive refresh, making common actions more accessible while allowing the page to grow with new and upcoming features.
- Added the ability to add "official" group lists to let members know what's available to the group.
- Easily browse the combined collections of all group members to see what everyone owns, has played, and wants to play!
- Generate invite QR codes for both events and groups.
- Added a way to search for groups on the groups page.
- Event hosts can now control who is going to an event (including removing themselves as "Going")
- Added a new filter when browsing planned games to not show games as part of a wider event.
- All pages now load in a full view to give more space and focus to the content.
- Fixed group and event filters in global search.
- Fixed a bug which would cut off the bottom of the textbox for longer comments.
- You can now delete empty game lists.
- It's now possible to re-invite players to a game or event.
- Adding a game now keeps you in the game list for a better UX.
- Fixed a bug with loading more games when sorted by newly added.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
October 16, 2024
Version 1.3.7
- We now have the ability to open up a form right from a QR code! This enables play to win, playtesting feedback, and much more. Contact hello@aftergame.co for more details.
- Added the ability for group admins and event hosts to delete posts and comments
- You can now report offensive posts / comments.
- You can now delete guest players even if they are attending events or members of groups.
- When setting yourself as 'Not going' to an event, it will also free up any claimed seats for games at that event.
- Fixed a bug which didn't always select expansions correctly in play logs.
- We now load less data from our server, speeding up load times for many screens.
- [Android] Removed some unnecessary app permissions.
- [Android] Added a monochrome app icon to support theming.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
September 24, 2024
Version 1.3.2
- Featured events show off the biggest events happening in your area, making them easy to find.
- We now scroll to the next up event in the event schedule, and show an indicator of where "now" is.
- Added a notification in meetups for when someone is planning a new game.
- We now scroll to the comments section when you click into a comment notification.
- The events tab and event schedules should have better performance.
- Added a permission check for push notification when you view the notification screen.
- Fixed event section header timezones.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
September 19, 2024
Version 1.3.0
- Share more! Posts can now have game lists or play log results embedded in them.
- You can now post discussions in events.
- The event schedule has been rebuilt from the ground up to make for easier browsing at larger events.
- You can now sign up to Aftergame with Discord.
- Event hosts have the ability to block attendee created games and posts.
- Events can now have multiple game lists attached to them.
- Fixed a bug where you could not change the acquired date for a game copy.
- Fixed the date picker in dark mode.
- Play log results should now load instantly.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
September 4, 2024
Version 1.2.1
- We now support time zones for events. Set the time zone when creating an event, and all times will be shown in the correct time at the event.
- You can now add a content rating to planned games to let potential players know the age suitability.
- Game Masters and teachers can now edit the details for events they are assigned to, even if they are not the host.
- Host and group admins can now edit any game on the schedule, even those created by attendees.
- You can now view the event location in your device's map app as well as copy the address.
- We now show the RPG game system being used in a planned game for an RPG.
- Fixed a bug with repeating events not taking into account daylight savings.
- Fixed a bug which sometimes showed a public group as private.
- Expansions are now excluded from your games list by default.
- Fixed a bug which meant you couldn't remove the price paid from a game copy.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
August 28, 2024
Version 1.2.0
- We have streamlined the process for adding new games to your collection.
- You can now add multiple copies of the same game.
- You can now add more details to your game copies, like price, where you acquired it from and more. (not yet synced with BGG)
- Filters have been added to the game sheet when logging a play or planning a game.
- We better summarise and show all game copy and expansion details in a new collection section of game pages.
- The profile screen and game list tiles have received some visual upgrades with more info shown.
- Importing from BGG can now handle multiple copies in your game collection.
- Importing from BGG will now correctly update the lists your games are in.
- Connecting an address to a location now works from the event screen.
- The events and game schedule lists should now always show all events correctly.
- Fixed a lot of bugs to do with loading game libraries and other players' collections.
- We reduced how far you will see events when the "Near me" filter turned on.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
July 27, 2024
Version 1.1.0
- Added a new keyboard to allow for easy addition, subtraction, and tabbing to the previous/next score.
- We now save the input (e.g. "4+5-3+7") and output (e.g. "13") scores so you can come back to edit any part.
- Team-based games can now have a per-team score, per-player score, neither, or both, to better allow logging for all team games.
- Added your friendship status of players in group member and event attendee lists.
- Added a new notification when new events are created within your group.
- It is now more obvious when there are new group discussions.
- Private groups now correctly show lock information if non-group members try accessing it.
- We no longer show duplicate players in the group member list.
- Fixed bug where you were not selected by default when logging a play.
- Fixed bug which did not select your default location when logging a play.
- Fixed bugs with selecting roles & scenarios.
- Fixed bugs with deleting teams from a play log.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
July 19, 2024
Version 1.0.0
- Groups are here! We have moved history into your profile and added a new groups tab.
- Groups show all events, planned games, and member posts. Game lists, stats, shared history, and challenges are coming in the future!
- Added the ability to create and customise your own groups, adding locations so that people in your group can plan or log games at the right place.
- Added the ability to create posts. Currently only text, but soon you can attach images, play logs, and game lists.
- Added the ability to like comments and posts.
- You can now click on group names wherever you see them to go to the group page.
- Made logging plays from a planned game easier to access.
- Fixed a bug in the event attendance bottom sheet where it would not scroll for small devices.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
July 13, 2024
Version 0.9.12
- Edit and delete any play log property options (like roles, scenarios, etc) you created in the past.
- Fixed an issue where locations couldn't be selected.
- Scores no longer reset when you add more players to a play log.
- Fixed an issue with the play log timer not correctly recording the time when the app is in the background.
- You will no longer receive comment notifications for events you are no longer going to.
- Blocked the ability to edit locations you did not create.
- Recent searches will no longer show partial queries.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
July 7, 2024
Version 0.9.10
- You can now add photos to play logs.
- Play log history now shows photos, along with new filters to find play logs with or without attached images.
- Get notified when events you're going to are happening soon (15 mins before for games at an event and the day before for events).
- Added a handy list of your upcoming events to the home screen.
- Added the ability to edit / remove game lists.
- Made editing / removing locations a lot easier.
- A bunch of fixes for event game schedules.
- Fixed the 'Seats available' filter.
- A bunch of fixes and improvements to share images.
- [Android] Fixed incorrectly positioned dropdown menus.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
June 24, 2024
Version 0.9.8
- Added the ability to search for events from the main search bar.
- You can now search the schedule at an event.
- Search for games within any list (including the game library at an event).
- Browse and search all game expansions.
- Your games now show up as the first results when searching for games or expansions.
- Your friends now show up as the first results when searching for players.
- We now show a banner for unpublished games.
- UI Improvements to event guests list.
- BGG username is remembered when importing.
- Profile bios can now be 2,000 characters long.
- [Android] Potential fix for the bottom bar showing up as white while in dark mode.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
June 14, 2024
Version 0.9.7
- [Aftergame+] Copy and paste no longer, you can now create events which repeat daily, weekly, fortnightly, or monthly.
- Meetups now have discussions, so you can chat outside of a planned game.
- You can now view the guest list in any event.
- We now show who invited you to an event.
- [Behind the scenes] We have made good progress on the new groups feature - watch this space!
- Fixed a bug when logging a play from a planned game where there were guests.
- When using "Play again" on a team game, we now correctly pre-fill teams.
- Fixed a bug which blocked the ability to remove an event banner.
- Improved the reliability of uploading images.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
May 29, 2024
Version 0.9.3
- Added an easy way to see which games have available seats at an event.
- Added a quick way to view which games you are attending at an event.
- You can now set a location to use by default when logging plays or creating events.
- [Aftergame+] You are now able to add a Games library to an event for guests to browse.
- Added a filter when viewing play history or planned games to show results for a specific game.
- Added a search box when selecting roles / scenarios while logging a play.
- Fixed a bug where changing your response wouldn't update.
- Fixed a bug which would cause editing meetups to break in some instances.
- Fixed a bug where your group options weren't showing in the "Posting as" dropdown.
- Fixed a bug which showed "undefined" when we were missing game info.
- Fixed an issue where public games could be seen from within a private event.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
May 9, 2024
Version 0.9.2
- We have improved the events list, adding in guest numbers and better showing all the information at a glance.
- When planning a game, you can now assign a game master or teacher to let everyone know who will be running the session.
- You can now mark yourself as attending and invite friends to conventions and meetups.
- It's now possible for event hosts to set a guest limit for the event.
- When viewing a play log, or directly after logging a play, there's now a handy "Play again" button which pre-fills all info.
- Event hosts can now remove themselves from events.
- You can now unfriend people 💔
- Fixed the Suitable age filter to make it more obvious.
- Fixed some bugs when merging players.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
April 29, 2024
Version 0.9.1
- Shareable images allow you to create a grid of the games you have been playing, along with many filters and options to share exactly what you want.
- Added the ability to filter our expansions, reimplementations, and compilations in your played games list.
- Aftergame+ subscribers now have a badge which shows that they are supporting our development - stay tuned for more badges for those who are early bird supporters.
- Fixed a small issue with icon colours.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
April 25, 2024
Version 0.9.0
- Everyone now has the ability to create events and meetups! This is still early access, be sure to send us feedback.
- The events tab has been completely rebuilt to better show local events and give you better ways to find events.
- Search and filtering has been built from the ground up to enable a better user experience and more filters
- Added game filters for the game domain, which games you have (or have not) played in a time period, expansions, reimplementation, and compilations.
- Added event filters for when, where, the duration, and many options to filter planned games.
- Added play log filters for time period breakdowns, where you played, and the result.
- Quickly cycle through time periods (weekly, monthly, yearly) when viewing play logs or games played.
- Sort your games list by alphabetical order, most played, recently played, and newly added.
- Aftergame+ has launched! We have been building Aftergame for free and with no ads. This will always be true, but to help support ongoing development, we have launched a new subscription which will give access to more features.
- We have made it easier to import or request new games through pressing the "Add games" button.
- Fixed issues with editing event dates.
- Improved the UX of adding/changing/removing your current city.
- Improved the welcome screen on the home tab for new users.
- We now correctly show which account provider you used to sign in with.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
April 5, 2024
Version 0.8.13
- Added the ability to delete previous searches.
- Fixed a crash in some edge cases when trying to change the date and time of an event.
- Fixed an issue when editing an event where it would revert to the game's name.
- Fixed an issue where some ticket links were showing as an invalid URL.
- We now correctly link to the event games planned when viewing an event's game library.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
April 2, 2024
Version 0.8.12
- We have done a big revamp of the design for all form elements.
- You can now change the event name of a planned game
- We now show when a play log was created and edited and who did it.
- A notification is sent whenever a play log you're in was edited by one of the other players.
- A link for where to buy tickets can be added to events.
- The end time is now shown for planned games.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
March 21, 2024
Version 0.8.9
- When logging a play, you can now start / pause a timer to track the duration. You can still manually edit the time.
- You can now specify how long a planned game should last (overriding what's written on the box).
- When planning a game, you can now require that players have read the rules.
- The game library for events has had visual improvements.
- Simplified the UI when planning a game.
- Speed improvements when logging a play from the game screen.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
March 9, 2024
Version 0.8.8
- Fixed issues some annoying bugs with bottom sheets not showing / closing properly.
- Improved changing your current city UI.
- Now correctly show a game creator if they were both an artist and designer.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
March 5, 2024
Version 0.8.5
- Add guests when claiming a seat at a scheduled game.
- Set whether a teacher is wanted when planning a game.
- RPG systems, settings, mechanics, and themes have been added for all tabletop RGPs.
- A link for buying tickets has been added for relevant events.
- Links within event descriptions, discussion messages, and play log notes can now be clicked.
- New messages now automatically appear when viewing an event.
- Fixed some UI issues with event discussions.
- Fixed some UI issues in the planned games list.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
February 23, 2024
Version 0.8.4
- When a game is planned near you, if it's on your 'Want to Play' list, you'll get notified so you can join the fun! Likewise, if you are planning a public game, this notification can bring more people to your game.
- Added a way to sign in from our web app as a workaround for those having Google sign in issues.
- Fixed an issue with incorrect options showing when logging a play for a game with both a player and team role.
- Fixed issues with larger imports not bringing over the entire collection.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
February 15, 2024
Version 0.8.3
- From your profile you can now view all games you've played, with play counts, time played, wins, and your H-Index.
- We have greatly improved search. We handle typos, accents, and should give more relevant results.
- You can now post playtests, learn to play sessions, or demo games when planning a game.
- You can now keep scrolling through all expansions when logging a play.
- Fixed the ordering of games when logging a play from the home screen.
- A loss now shows up correctly in a 1-player game.
- Updating a player's name now works correctly.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
January 25, 2024
Version 0.8.0
- Teams! You can you set which teams players were on, assigning team roles and scores when the game allows it.
- Custom roles! We now allow you to enter your own roles, perfect for games we haven't defined, or where the roles are player-created.
- Scenarios! Set the mission your team went on and more with a new way to log the scenario you played.
- RPGs! We have added over 11k RPGs to the platform meaning you can now record the plays for a whole bunch more tabletop games.
- Improved game search for games with apostrophes. More improvements coming soon.
- Fixed an issue with the last location not showing up.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
January 10, 2024
Version 0.7.7
- The games library is now shown for events (when provided by the host). You can filter the library based on player count, time, complexity, and more!
- We now show an event’s floor plan (when provided by the host).
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
December 27, 2023
Version 0.7.5
- You can now set your current city which filters local games to just those near you.
- The play history is now broken into days and better shows who won, even when it wasn't you.
- The home screen got some updates, we now show a featured event and you can keep scrolling through all your plays.
- You can now add your pronouns to your profile.
- Automatic winner selection now handles games where the lowest score wins.
- Viewing a player who's not connected to a user will now show all the plays they are in.
- Fixed issues with notification permissions.
- Fixed an issue where the bottom option in roles selection was not shown.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
December 14, 2023
Version 0.7.4
- It is now easier to explore events quickly, with less clicks and a new local games tab (watch this space!).
- You can now hide your address when planning a game, giving you greater control.
- When planning games at conventions, you can now add instructions and even drop a pin on the floor plan!
- Importing from BGG should now just work, without lag, even for huge collections and play histories.
- Shared locations now show up when logging a play.
- Missing a game on Aftergame? You can now submit games from the menu in the profile screen.
- Fixed a bunch of crashes and reasons for discrepancies in BGG imports.
- Fixed an issue when scrolling through other people's play logs.
- Added a missing pull-to-refresh on the play log screen.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
December 6, 2023
Version 0.7.2
- You can now search for an address to connect to a location. This will make organising events easier and enable future features.
- There is now an easy way to share an event link so other can quickly join.
- We have added a view in the events tab to see all the events attending and games you are joining in one place.
- Deep links into our app were not always taking people to the right place - whoops!
- Fixed an issue with trying to remove scores on play logs.
- Fixed an issue on some devices where the keyboard covered half the comment box.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
December 6, 2023
Version 0.7.1
- You can now search for an address to connect to a location. This will make organising events easier and enable future features.
- There is now an easy way to share an event link so other can quickly join.
- We have added a view in the events tab to see all the events attending and games you are joining in one place.
- Deep links into our app were not always taking people to the right place - whoops!
- Fixed an issue with trying to remove scores on play logs.
- Fixed an issue on some devices where the keyboard covered half the comment box.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
November 29, 2023
Version 0.7.0
- Profiles and game pages have been completely rebuilt, with a much cleaner look and new quick actions.
- Added categories, mechanics, themes, designers, artists, and publisher information to game pages.
- We now show the game's complexity and you can also filter your library by this to find the right games.
- Personal best and average scores are now shown for games where it's relevant.
- You can now view your friends' collections and filter them by players, duration, complexity, and more!
- We have added some overall stats to the profile screen
- All expansions are now shown for games, not just the ones you own.
- Fixed an issue with the host not coming down correctly for events.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
November 17, 2023
Version 0.6.4
- The new 'Add friends' page shows friend requests, players not connected to a user account, and people you may know.
- We added a new 'Friends' option for the visibility of your collection, play logs, and players.
- There's a new 'Don't remember' option when joining a game that you've played before but don't remember the rules.
- You can now search for friends by their email address.
- Fixed a UI bug when sending larger comments.
- Fixed when we ask for notification permissions and added an explanation.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
November 12, 2023
Version 0.6.3
- Event discussions have been added to make it easier to plan a game or event.
- We have created two new default collection lists to auto-track games you have played as well as games you want to play.
- Ability to hide or show expansions in your games collection (hidden by default).
- See the counts of the number of games in each list.
- The app should load faster when showing any pages you've viewed in the past.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
October 13, 2023
Version 0.6.0
- You can now select the role you played as with pre-built lists supported for over 300 games!
- We now support cooperative games, and give you the ability to set when there was a draw or no winners.
- There are new location pages where you can see the most recent plays at that location.
- Ability to edit and delete locations.
- Fixed the games library sorting, it is now alphabetical order.
- Fixed a bug where clicking on certain notifications could cause the app to crash.
- Various other fixes and usability improvements.
October 4, 2023
Version 0.5.0
- The new 'Plan a game' feature allows you to select the game you want to play, set when and where, and invite others to join in.
- The 'Events' tab allows you to browse events and games being played, joining those that interest you.
- Log a play and view scores directly from the event page.
- Add events to your calendar so you never miss out.
- The 'Players' tab has been moved to under the 'Profile' tab.
- Greatly improved the speed of loading games and plays.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
September 20, 2023
Version 0.4.2
- You can now update or remove your profile photo, as well as editing your name, username, and a new 'bio'.
- New profile pages with a way to quickly log a play with a friend among many other improvements.
- You can now delete a player or edit their name (only if they are not connected to a user account).
- Added the ability to cancel a friend request.
- Fixed issues with deleting your user account.
- We now handle when you accidentally click on your own invite link.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
September 8, 2023
Version 0.4.1
- You can now add the location when logging a play, for now just a named location, but adding to a map is coming soon.
- We have added a way to invite all your friends with a single link which will connect them to you.
- Fixed an issue with the accept friend button not showing any label (iOS only).
- Pressing / swiping back when a bottom sheet is open closes it (Android only).
- Fixed issues with play history for when someone in the play log deleted their account.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
August 30, 2023
Version 0.4.0
- Stay connected with friends! We now allow you to connect with fellow players.
- Keep up-to-date with a new notifications section: friend requests and new plays you've been added to will show up here.
- There's a new import section where you can bring your collection and play history from BoardGameGeek and more coming soon.
- Invite codes are no longer required to access Aftergame!
- We now show two lines for long game titles.
- Fixed an issue searching for a game when logging a play.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
August 17, 2023
Version 0.3.4
- The players shown while selecting players is now ordered by who you most recently interacted with.
- We now show players you have played with before, not just those you are connected to.
- You can now search for users by their name or username.
- Fixed some bugs that happened in some edge-cases when accepting an invite.
- Scrolling through longer lists now shows a loading spinner when more content is loading.
- We have greatly improved the performance of certain pages of our app.
- We have given the play log screens a UI refresh to bring it inline with upcoming features.
- Various other fixes.
August 3, 2023
Version 0.3.3
- With over 12,000 (and counting) expansions in our system, you can now select which ones you played along with the base game.
- We can now show you the leaderboard and statistics when playing a specific expansion.
- Fixed an issue where the bottom sheet could not be dismissed in some instances.
- Blocked the ability to send invites to players you did not create.
- Fixed an issue where some play logs could not be deleted.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
July 25, 2023
Version 0.3.2
- The app now loads much faster.
- Fixed an issue where collections filter was not getting updated when a new collection was added.
- Filters are no longer cleared when hiding the additional options.
- Fixed an issue when accepting an invite and you hadn't yet created a profile.
- The 'Add game' button was too low on some devices when viewing from search results.
- Players no longer get jumbled when scrolling through your play history.
- UI/UX improvements across the app.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
July 18, 2023
Version 0.3.1
- You can now send players a simple invite link which handles downloading the app and connecting their account.
- When logging a play, you are now able to set the play duration.
- We now automatically select the winner as scores are inputted.
- Blocked editing or deleting plays if you do not have permissions.
- Fixed a bug where attempting to edit a play before it loaded would cause the app to crash.
- UI/UX improvements across the app.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
July 2, 2023
Version 0.3.0
- Player profiles have been added so you can see your friends' game collections and plays.
- Added permission settings to control who can see information on your profile.
- You are now able to delete a game and plays from your collection.
- Fixed a bug where there could be duplicates of players in the leaderboard.
- UX improvements in the games screen and the adding game flow.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
June 19, 2023
Version 0.2.6
- We have rebranded to be called Aftergame and have a new logo.
- We no longer require a first name and a surname, we have simplified to use just a display name.
- Fixed some scrolling issues when focused in text boxes.
June 1, 2023
Version 0.2.3
- Added the ability to edit plays after they are posted.
- There's now a basic "Players" tab showing all your players, with the ability to add players and send invite codes.
- Fixed an issue where the keyboard blocked part of the screen when recording a play.
- We now correctly show updated stats after logging a play.
- UX improvements for adding players to a play.
- Various other fixes and performance improvements.
May 22, 2023
Version 0.2.2
- You can now set the score for each player while logging a play.
- New players now have default "Owned" and "Wishlist" collections.
- We now show some play stats when viewing your game collection.
- While logging a play, newly created players are automatically selected.
- When adding games, newly created collections are automatically selected.
- Fixed issues with navigation in nested pages so that going back properly works.
- Fixed issues when accepting an invite on an already-created account.
- Various other bug fixes and performance improvements.
May 17, 2023
Version 0.2.1
- Signup with Google or Apple.
- Add games to your collection, with the ability to create custom collections.
- Powerful global search and filtering, blended between your collection and our game library.
- A game library of 23k+ (and rapidly rising)
- Ability to log plays for a game, recording the game, time, players, winner(s), and notes.
- Invite other players so that they can see any games you play together.
- See your play history, filter down to specific games and players.
- Very basic game stats and leaderboards.